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"Less is More" in Your Elopement Wedding


The concept of WEDDING we provide is “LESS is More”. It's not spending money, gorgeous lookings and fancy decorations. We create the best and once in a life experience that will last forever in our hearts.

We believe that true beauty, abundance and luxury exist in the human hearts.

It may be somewhat similar to the concept of “Wabi-Sabi” in ZEN culture in Japan. It is a word that evaluates the Japanese aesthetic sense of "beauty in simplicity and imperfection."

In the world, many great people have been influenced by the idea of ​​Wabi-Sabi. Steve Jobs, the founders of Apple Inc. was one of them. His products are extremely sophisticated and strongly influenced by Zen. It's simple and it dramatically influenced to human lifestyle.

We, BEyond Weddings and Events creates the best time and experience which is not sold anywhere, with the concept of "Less is More."

Wabi-Sabi concept is really deep. This will be explained separately.

We are ready for a plan to experience Japanese tea ceremony which you can feel Wabi-Sabi spirit a bit. Please let us know if you are interested in.


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